B2B Digital Marketing Blog | SyncShow

We Manufacture CLE Summer Showcase: Delta Systems

Written by Katie Luechauer | Fri, Sep 08, 2017 @ 03:05

Almost two years ago, SyncShow created the We Manufacture CLE initiative to highlight the large community of manufacturers in the Cleveland area and the important work they do. Cleveland manufactures help create everything us Clevelanders—and people around the world—see every day, from the infrastructure we rely upon, to the products we use. As Cleveland area residents, we live in a state with the fourth-largest total manufacturing output. So it’s become our duty as Cleveland-area digital marketers to showcase the local manufacturing companies that are standing out from the pack and making a difference in the world. Four times per year we work with our talent acquisition partner, Hiring Optics, to create a video that highlights one local manufacturer.

This quarter we chose Delta Systems.

Delta Systems has a 45-year history as a designer and manufacturer of switches, displays and electronic controls for the outdoor power equipment industry. Through vertical integration, the Delta Systems team designs, constructs and fabricates electronic assemblies in-house. Customers choose Delta Systems for the integrated approach, but stay customers because of the company’s unwavering commitment to partnership.

Where would you find a Delta Systems product in your everyday life? Well, have you cut your grass lately?

Delta Systems is a leader in the electronic assemblies space, specifically for state-of-the-art lawn mowers. Their products make the displays and controls smarter, which affects everything from the brakes to the ignition switch.

To learn more about Delta Systems, watch the video to hear directly from President and CEO Lissa Barry.