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To Write or Not Write A Press Release

Written by Bethany Jones | Thu, May 28, 2015 @ 05:26

7 Tips for Maximizing Your Next Announcement 

You have a huge company wide announcement and want everyone to know about your company’s news. You’re aware of the ongoing debate about whether or not the press release really is dead, but you need to get this amazing message out to your existing customers, prospects and the media.

You’ve decided to not write just any old press release; but rather a carefully crafted, word-class announcement to be read by everyone in your industry. You and your executive team have spent hours pouring over the AP Stylebook and creating revision after revision, all while debating over the correct usage of the Oxford comma. In the end, your perfectly crafted press release is posted to your website where it receives little to no traffic — let along any quality links. 

Sound familiar? Is the press release truly dead after all?

The truth of the matter is, no matter how earth shattering your press release may be, what truly matters is how you distribute it and get in front of the proper audience. In the modern digital marketing age, distribution is just as valuable as quality content.

Below are 7 tips for ensuring that you get the most out of your next press release: 

1. Post it to Your Website.

If you don’t have a “News” section on your website, you’re failing to tell your audience about all of the great things your organization has accomplished. From important company milestones and new hire announcements to new product or service announcements, your news section tells the story of who you are as an organization.

2. Distribute it Over Your Social Channels.

Don’t overlook the power of your social media channels when it comes to spreading good news to your existing audience. You’ve taken time to build a loyal following on your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn handles, so be sure to spread the good news. Remember, the majority of your followers are going to be industry specific (aka your ideal audience!).

3. Ask Sales to Share it.

You have a dedicated team of salespeople who are always looking for a reason to engage with new or existing prospects. Rather than a general “check-in” call or email, encourage your sales team to send out personalized announcements to warm prospects that might find value in the news.  

4. Link to it in Your E-mail Signature.

Ever stop to think about how many e-mails your employees send on a daily basis? If you have a groundbreaking, earth-shattering announcement, ask employees to update their e-mail signature lines with something like -“Read our Latest News Here.” This is a great way to get some additional visibility out of your announcement. 

5. Add it in Your Newsletter.

Are you sending out a monthly or quarterly newsletter to your existing customers and prospects? Don’t assume that your customers are constantly refreshing your site for new information. Make your news easy for your customers to find by sharing a link in your newsletter. 

By sharing information with a link and not posting the content directly into your newsletter, you increase the odds of users getting back to your news or resource center and maybe stumbling on information that will help drive them to reengage. 

6. Send it to the Media.

If you don't have one already, create a list of media contacts covering your industry. Reach out to media personnel who have covered your competitors. Consider setting up Google Alerts it’s a simple, free, way to get instant alerts on content created regarding your industry. If you have the budget, several communications companies such as PR Newswire and Cision offer subscription based media targeting databases that allow users to create media lists based on industry or beat. 

*Be sure to read these Forbes expert tips on the Do’s and Don’ts of Media Pitching 

7. Issue your News Over the Wire.

If you have the budget, or believe your announcement has the potential of driving significant revenue, using a reputable wire service such as PR Newswire or Business Wire can be an incredibly effective way to distribute your news to the masses or to very targeted niche audiences. Both outlets are trusted media sources that have extensive reach into traditional newsrooms, trade publications, and various websites and databases. *Be skeptical of low-end or free wire services.  

Have you experienced success with press releases?  Be sure to share your tips below: