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Highlights from HubSpot’s November 2014 Product Update

Written by Nadine Nocero-Tye | Thu, Dec 18, 2014 @ 02:00

Whenever HubSpot does a product update, they really do it right. November’s update to the system for content managers was no exception. While there were several new features rolled out last month, there are a standout two that have impacted the way I’ve been doing business for my clients. Below I’ll be reviewing how I’m using the new content calendar and the social reports, if you’d like a full review of all new product updates, check out Laura’s review, posted on the HubSpot blog.

Content Calendars

First, let me just say that this update is AMAZING! I love the visual layout for understanding how content is being shared across all channels for a client. I currently have a client that is blogging three times a day and we create around 30 social messages per day to promote and spread that content. Using the calendar to have an understanding of where my gaps are in any given day or week is extremely beneficial. I can work much smarter by tackling the gaps in content promotion first.

Secondly, you have the ability to break out your calendar by content type (social post, email, landing page, blog post, or task) or by campaign(s). As an account manager with my client and several of my team members working to build a cohesive approach to a client’s inbound marketing game plan, this segmentation and visibility really lets me hone in on where efforts are being spent – where we need to redirect time and effort and where we’re a-okay.

Social Reports

HubSpot has truly maximized the options for slicing and dicing social reports with this new rollout. The system is pre-populated with 5 reports that assist with comparing time frames, platforms, channels, campaigns and reach. You have the ability to look at this data compared to the previous month, the last 3 months, year-over-year and on a custom range. To follow-up on the above mentioned sheer amount of content I’m creating for some clients, it’s unbelievable how you can get wrapped-up in the volume of content pushed, created and planned for – without having any chance to focus on the results and plan for strategic Inbound future.

This tool is simple, quick and very transparent into what your team’s efforts are yielding for your overall goals of increased traffic and increased leads. It allows you to make fairly quick and smart decisions on where to spend time creating content in the future. I love to use it to see the types of evergreen content that have yielded the best results and continue to re-promote into the foreseeable future.

Bonus Tip:

If you’re managing a large team of community managers or Inbound experts – utilize the task feature within calendaring. This way you can assign due dates for blog post, emails and social posting. The assignee can check-in on progress and mark when the task is completed. 

If you’re a HubSpot user, I’d love to know how you’re using these tools to improve your business for clients. Further, if there are other tools that are more mind-blowing then my two favorites, enlighten us!


For more information about HubSpot, check out another blog post:
Key HubSpot Features You Could be Missing Out On