Chris Peer

Chris Peer

Chris Peer is the Owner and President of SyncShow and has 20 years of experience in online marketing strategy, eCommerce and corporate branding. Chris is an outdoor enthusiast, regularly hiking, camping, and scuba diving.

Posts by Chris Peer

Content Marketing Strategies & Tactics for B2B Industrial Companies: Boosting Engagement and Leads

Content marketing is a powerful tool used to provide information and education to a target audience, foster trust, and establish a brand as a thought leader. For industrial companies, harnessing the power of content marketing isn’t just a trend—it's a necessity. Unlike B2C, industrial …

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Social Media: Channels and Best Practices to Connect and Compete in the Industrial Sector

As B2B marketing shifts from traditional channels like direct mail and print advertising to digital strategies like email and downloadable content, we must consider social media as an alternative. Social media channels have become powerful B2B marketing tools for all B2B companies, in …

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Comprehensive RevOps: Best Practices Across the Customer Lifecycle

In recent articles, we introduced the concept of Customer Lifecycle Management (CLM) and how critical it’s become to Revenue Operations (RevOps). CLM, which oversees the customer experience from initial contact to loyal advocacy, integrates with your RevOps roadmap to enhance business …

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How to Optimize Your Tech Stack for Superior Revenue Operations

In a previous article, we discussed how a comprehensive tech stack is crucial for driving Revenue Operations (RevOps) success. Your tech stack—integrated software tools—serves as the engine powering your RevOps strategies, enabling your marketing, sales, and customer experience teams …

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Leveraging Technology for B2B Revenue Growth

One of the top trends for B2B this year is adopting Revenue Operations (RevOps) to streamline and align the sales, marketing, and customer service functions. A tech stack is a suite of integrated software tools. It empowers teams to collaborate, optimize processes, use data and analyt …

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Transforming Manufacturing: The Power of Customer Lifecycle Management and RevOps

In recent blogs, we’ve been discussing how imperative Revenue Operations (RevOps), or the practice of aligning and optimizing communications, processes, technology, and data across sales, marketing, and customer service departments, has become for manufacturers to succeed in today's c …

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From Silos to Success: Transforming B2B Businesses with a RevOps Roadmap

Sales Marketing Growth

Once upon a time, most companies' sales and marketing departments were like parallel tracks on separate railways. The traditional sales and marketing teams operated side by side without intersecting, bound for the same destination. The tracks never converged, missing opportunities for …

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