Paul Barney

Paul Barney

Paul is a member of our creative team specializing in writing content that is optimized for the web. He will work closely with the client service team in developing content that is easily searchable by web crawlers such as Google. Passion for: Running and baseball. Paul is a 7x runner of the Cleveland Marathon and a baseball enthusiast.

Posts by Paul Barney

Transportation Marketing Tips From Experts Navigating a Season of Disruption

Transportation companies have unique industry challenges, and marketing within this industry has specific nuances that can dictate success or failure, especially as of late. Disruption in the industry is forcing sales, marketing and service teams to rethink how they’re going to market …

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Synchronized Inbound Marketing: Getting Employee Buy-In

Buyers are changing the way they buy. To attract today’s buyer, you need to change how you market.

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Driving Qualified Leads Using Digital Marketing

Lead Generation Concept

The digital marketing world is dynamic and constantly changing. Disruption is everywhere—technology, customer demands and tactics are never stagnant—and it’s important for your business to stay ahead of the disruption, change with it and grow. One way to do that is by developing a lea …

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5 Lead Nurturing Tactics That Work

Did you know that 79% of marketing leads never convert to sales due to a lack of lead nurturing efforts? This means that nearly eight out of every 10 prospects aren’t converting to sales because business-to-business (B2B) companies haven’t: Built enough trust Effectively told the orga …

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How Does Inbound Marketing Differ From Demand Generation?


Inbound marketing and demand generation.

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